The purpose of this page is to supply information to you, at no charge, that can greatly help your business!
The #1 Formula for Success
The formula for success in the Restoration Industry is:
(# of clients x closeness = $$$)
Good intentions without commitment is FAILURE. You must use a pro-active strategy, or program, for each client. You must decide to do things that put you in the hearts and minds of your clients positively and frequently. Platitudes about how much we care about our clients will not do it.
Talk is cheap and that’s all it’s worth. WE MUST DO! Only those strategies that deliver a trusted advisor and excel in customer service will grow your business!
These strategies are outside of the everyday business operations. They are beyond the normal demands of running your business. Because of the time consumed by running a business many companies spend very little time in building their businesses. Instead, they put that aside for later, or worse yet, never really get to it at all.
The second best formula for success is to call Frankie Botelho!
- Those Who Fail To Plan, Are Planning To Fail. Click here to read more…
- Secret #1: Hiring – Hiring Your First Salesperson. Leads to Hiring Your First Sales Staff
Good intention, without commitment, is FAILURE! Learn the Success Formula now!